As one of the top payroll companies in India, we apprehend how crucial it's miles for your Company to make certain error-free payroll management activities. When you don't want to manipulate all payroll procedures in-house, you can think of payroll outsourcing to an experienced provider, therefore Core is for you. We offer progressive and absolutely customised solutions to all organisations irrespective of their size and the domain that they are in. We provide complete assistance to our clients and their preference with at most priority.
      Here at CORE, we assist with compliance services from registration of the establishment or branch to all the legal and Govt procedures for the smooth flow of your company requirements. We help our client as they could take timely actions with at most security and attention to details of legislations and amendments to avoid unnecessary hassles on their way.
      Every factory or company, despite of their age calls for plenty of administrative tasks to be completed in prior to begin or continue their functioning. Effective monitoring system should be in place to ensure the voluminous compliance activities are carried out on time. Thus CORE, brings you the knowledge platform were you would get every assistance related to the Government and compliance part.
      To have legal Operations in India, a business calls for multiple legal license, registration, permit or certifications depends on the industry, business location and type of ownership you are into. And for this you might have to deal with Central, State or civil regulations and laws for task completion and that's definitely going to be an Hercules and expensive task to run after. Here comes CORE to help you deal it in a hassle free manner, saving your time, energy and concentration.
We at CORE assist you with the each step in:      At CORE, we offer staffing to meet and reconcile the demands of the business operations. Our end-to-end Staffing Services make sure that our clients focus on their work, with assured, reliable and timely support from us.       Our predominant privilege is our Candidate and associate databank, from across India, which ensures that our client's labour requirements are met timely and effectively. Also, the in-house technology enables us to deliver staffing solutions for almost every sector. We vigorously screen, shortlist, and evaluate potential candidates to give you the choicest picks, under our payroll and ensure the standard contractual procedures, remittance of statutory compliance and other employee related administrative schemes are made and maintained well.
      At CORE, we offer your transformation, both personally and professionally. We provide all round training programs that can be customised as per the needs and requirements of the client. Our Programs enable the people build and enhance their skills and competencies in all sphere of their life. We focus on engaging training programs to help your company/ institution to build your strength in terms of every aspect of your employees or students.
We have our training programs structured as below:
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